• Let everybody do what they are good at
    Let everybody do what they are good at

    You make sure the sun does not set over your company and leave the communication with your clients in Polish to us.

  • Our Polish is well polished
    Our Polish is well polished

    Yes, we use our mother tongue with pride and care for its quality so that our translations are ready for application right out of the box.

Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Chemicznego SITPChem [The Association of Engineers and Technicians of the Chemical Industry] is a non-governmental organization, for technical and scientific creativity, i.e. a voluntary association of engineers and technicians professionally associated with the chemical industry or chemical sciences, working for the general benefit of the community.

In Poland, the Association has been operating since 1927. It was then called the Union of Chemical Engineers of the Republic of Poland. In Zakłady Azotowe Puławy, the first SITPChem organization was established in 1962. Four years later - on July 19th 1966, the SITPChem Division in Puławy was created.

The goal of the Association is, i.a.:

  • professional and social integration of members as well as creation and maintenance of ties between the technical community and all authorities, institutions and organizations
  • providing comprehensive assistance to SITPChem members, representing and defending their interests, and protecting the ethos of the profession,
  • propagation and creation of technical progress
  • improving the qualifications of the personnel
  • care for professional development of engineering and technical staff.
  • activities for the benefit of chemical industry, environmental protection, innovation and implementation of innovative projects.

Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Chemicznego

Division in Puławy

al. Tysiąclecia Państwa
Polskiego 13,
24-110 Puławy, Poland
tel.+48 81 565 29 69
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